Newsletter – Summer 2019
July 26, 2019

Ending Homelessness in the Fox Valley
Once upon a time, not that long ago actually, a young man named “Nick” came to COTS. He didn’t have a job, he didn’t have a home, he was hungry and sick, he didn’t have anywhere else to go. Nick wanted the chance at a better life.
At COTS, Nick was able to start his journey of change. He had a safe place to live and food to nourish him. He went to the onsite clinic for his medical needs. There he found someone who listened to him, really listened to what he was thinking and feeling. He was able to get help with his anxiety and learned how to work through his issues. Nick took living skills classes at COTS like Rent Smart and Financial Peace and started working on the C.A.R.E. Team through Riverview Gardens’ ServiceWorks program.

After Nick’s success with the Young Adult program, he transitioned to the Living Debt Free program. He worked and was able to pay off his debts. He moved into a safe, stable apartment, bought a car and found a part-time job!
Every few months, COTS continues to follow up with Nick to ensure he has the support and stability he needs as he leaves homelessness for good.
Nick made the decision to have a better life. COTS provided the “bridge”; a bridge that enabled Nick to transition to self-sufficiency and independent living.
Won’t you help us?
Help COTS to transform the life of someone experiencing homelessness!
Our programs and services are funded by people just like you! Help us end homelessness in the Fox Valley.
Together we change lives.
Click the Get Involved button
at the top of the page to Donate Now.
The Women’s Fund July E-News Puts a Spotlight on COTS
Dawn Nowakowski, Corporate Development Representative at Wisconsin Public Television and long-time volunteer for the Women’s Fund of the Fox Valley Region, wrote an article on COTS for the July 2019 issue of the Women’s Fund E-News!
Here are the kind words Dawn shared regarding COTS Young Adult Program:
“As a longtime volunteer at the Women’s Fund for the Fox Valley Region and a member of a Giving Circle, I am encouraged to see organizations like COTS addressing root causes of homelessness through programs that provide a pathway for individuals to lead a productive and self-sustaining life and become contributing, thriving members of our community. Focusing on programs that serve our most vulnerable youth will have long-term outcomes for our community by removing individuals from social services and adding much needed talent to our work force, who can then give back to the community. In many situations, former Young Adult residents can share learning and insights with siblings, children, and friends to further break the cycle of homelessness in their family and the community at large.”
We are grateful to Dawn and the Women’s Fund of the Fox Valley Region for their continued support of COTS Young Adult program!
Donating Wish List Items Makes a Difference!
As you are doing your Back to School shopping, please remember COTS! Donating Wish List items helps us deliver the programs for our residents as they work to transform their lives. We are in need of new twin sheets, comforters, bed pillows, and towel sets.

Click on this link to see the entire wish list on our website.
Donations can be dropped off at the COTS Office (819 S. West Avenue in Appleton) Monday through Friday between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. If you need assistance or to make other arrangements, call (920) 734-3609, Option 1.
Thank you for helping men, women, young adults, veterans and single mother families as they embark on their journeys to better lives. Thank you for making a difference!