Spring 2019 Appeal
COTS Campus of Change
April 17, 2019

The day the Lord created hope is probably the same day he created Spring.
– Bernard Williams
“June” came to COTS with hope of finding a better life. She had already completed a drug and alcohol treatment program. However, relatives had custody of her children, and she couldn’t stay in the shared space she’d moved into—it lacked the support she needed to maintain her sobriety.
“June” moved into COTS’ Women’s program, and we worked with her as she maintained her sobriety. We helped her find work to improve her economic security and rebuild her relationship with her children and family. After seven months in the Women’s program, “June” and her two children moved into COTS’ Single Mother’s program. This allowed her to adjust to life as a full-time parent while working and continuing her sobriety. She eventually moved closer to her family members and even found a better job.
At year-end 2018, “June” sent COTS’ staff a message: “I don’t know where I would be without you guys. I know I would not be the parent I am today and probably wouldn’t be back in school. COTS has made a huge difference in my life.”
It’s through the kindness and blessings of donors like you
that COTS can help make turnarounds like “June’s” possible.
Our Women’s and Single Mothers with Young Children program participants
come to COTS filled with hope, and your support allows us
to lay a solid path for them to experience a better life.
Please Make a Donation to the COTS Women’s or Single Mother Families Program
Please donate today and help us change more lives like “June’s.”
Thank you for all you have done, and continue to do,
for the most vulnerable members of our community.
Click the Get Involved button at the top of the page to Donate Now.