Like the numerousothers who volunteer through our Meal Ministry Program, YOU can make a difference by providing heartwarming meals to ourresidents! Opportunities for youto provide the basic need of nourishment to our residents: Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday eveningof the year bring a meal to our male… Read More
For over 20 years, the COTS program has bridged the gap between emergency/crisis care and independent housing by transitioning individuals experiencing homelessness into self-sufficiency. This success has made an impact to the Fox Valley since 1998 and is now expanding its reach to the Oshkosh… Read More
What has COTS been up to so far in 2022? Read all about it in our Final 2022 Summer Newsletter!
How to Help for the Holidays at COTS
COTS men’s transitional shelter has a bumper crop of veggies every year, thanks to our hoop house (greenhouse) built by staff, volunteers, and residents in 2011! Residents and staff work together cooperatively to maintain our hoop house each growing season. It produces fresh, organic, nutritious… Read More
Join us in celebrating the successes and hard work of COTS residents so far this year! The below impact measurements account for the first half of 2021. We look forward to sharing more of COTS residents’ successes later this year.
Recently COTS received an unexpected donation in the mail, with a letter of explanation enclosed. The letter explained that the donation came from a graduating student, who won an award, and chose to donate the award to COTS. Thankfully, our attempts to reach the student… Read More
Despite the cool weather, this week at COTS, residents and staff planted our Hoop House for the summer! Cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers, and corn all went in the ground. Our Hoop House provides fresh veggies to residents, as well as an on-site activity during the summer… Read More
Thursday, April 22, 2021 During National Volunteer Week, and on Earth Day, COTS celebrates our residents who volunteer in the Fox Valley community. As part of their programming, residents re-enter the community through volunteering partnerships. One such partnership is with Riverview Gardens. COTS and Riverview… Read More
July 26, 2019 CAMPUS OF CHANGE Ending Homelessness in the Fox Valley Once upon a time, not that long ago actually, a young man named “Nick” came to COTS. He didn’t have a job, he didn’t have a home, he was hungry and sick, he… Read More