Campus of Change

Ending Homelessness in the Fox Valley

Opening DOORS at COTS

Posted on Nov 20, 2017 by
For several years, DOORS (“Directing Ourselves and Others in Responsible Social Activities”) provided a way for individuals in recovery to engage in healthy replacement activities. DOORS is now located at COTS as a way for our residents, and the residents of Ryan Community (a halfway house), to participate without transportation barriers in inclimate weather. “DOORS allows people to come together in a laid-back way and have fun without drugs or alcohol,” explains Dan McGinnis, COTS Aftercare Coordinator and staff contact for DOORS.

DOORS kicked off at COTS in early October, and takes place each Thursday. Really, it’s about finding healthy ways to have fun. Activities range from foosball and pool tournaments to talking about issues around drugs and alcohol during the holidays.

DOORS is resident-directed, so they choose the topics and activities. Jeremy, a Living Debt Free resident, leads the group. “It allows you to do things that you normally wouldn’t do, in a safe environment,” he shares. Jeremy is a longtime DOORS member, and looks forward to building an environment of trust in DOORS at COTS. “You can pretty much talk about anything, and most likely somebody has gone through something similar.”