Tools for Academic Success Update

Our Spring Appeal has been out for just over a month and the response has been wonderful! On behalf of the whole COTS community thank you so much for the generous outpouring of support for our endeavors!This year’s campaign, Tools for Academic Success, is asking you to help our student residents get the IT support they need to maximize the benefits of their continued education. In just over a month gifts of over $8,000 reinforce the value of education in self sufficiency!
Truly you are opening a new world of possibilities for our community and broadening the scope of opportunity for our residents. In turn they can pass on the value of education to their children and family members.
Our complete wish list can be found at
All donations can be dropped off at 819 S. West Avenue, Appleton, WI, 54915.
Drop Off Hours: Monday–Friday, 8:30am – 4:30pm.
Call 920-734-3609 (ext. 404) to make other arrangements.