Pierce Manufacturing team teaches residents how to be effective job seekers
Hands shot up around the room as eager residents asked questions about job seeking that they had always wondered about. Throughout August and October, volunteers from the marketing department at Pierce Manufacturing, an Oshkosh Corporation Company, led job-hunting related workshops for COTS residents.
The effort was spearheaded by Dan Meyer, Marketing Manager, and coordinated by Nick Smith, a marketing intern at Pierce. “Oshkosh Corporation strongly encourages team members to participate in volunteer opportunities. Our summer Marketing Intern, Nick Smith, took on the project of finding a local organization that we could volunteer with. He was focused on finding an organization that would allow us to use some of our strengths to make the greatest possible impact,” explains Meyer.
Creating Dialogue
Meyer and Smith brainstormed with COTS staff about how they could best work with COTS residents, and it was determined that their team would lead a series of workshops to help residents make the best impression on potential employers. Many of our residents have strong job skills and experience, but do not present that experience effectively when job searching. The workshops focused on resume writing, social media, and interview preparation.
“What I appreciated the most about the experience was the group’s willingness to participate, and eagerness to learn,” says Meyer. “It opened up a nice dialogue about challenges everyone faces when job hunting.” COTS residents appreciated the chance to learn about best practice as well as discuss their own experiences.
Tools for Independence
Meyers continues, “I would strongly encourage other corporate partners to reach out to COTS for volunteer opportunities. I thought the experience was mutually beneficial largely because the staff at COTS encouraged us to write a curriculum based on the needs they see most commonly. The curriculum helped the residents, and it was a great team building experience for our department at the same time.”
COTS is so thankful for the Pierce Manufacturing team and their help in giving our residents the tools they need to lead independent lives!