Campus of Change

Ending Homelessness in the Fox Valley

Help for the Homeless 2015

Posted on Feb 12, 2015 by

91.9/91.5 The Family’s “Help for the Homeless” hygiene drive will be collecting new personal care and cleaning products for  area crisis agencies…including ours…. so that we can dedicate our limited financial resources to providing  qualified personnel, safe housing, nutritious food, education, and case management to those we serve. The goal of Help for the Homeless is to provide a year’s worth of supplies to each agency.  Donations remain in the communities where they are collected.

 “Last year, it was so inspiring to see our community come together to support our residents. It is amazing how much dignity can be afforded to our residents simply from them having the necessity items they need.”  – Andrew Wilson, COTS Executive Director

Families (or people) come to COTS who have had to share a toothbrush, gone without soap for their faces, hands, and hair, and some working parents in tight times who are washing and reusing their baby’s disposable diapers at home in order to have enough unused diapers to send with their child to day care – children are not admitted to daycare unless parents supply new disposable diapers.

Thanks to hundreds of local churches, businesses, and schools for joining together to collect for the drive!  Please donate generously at church, work or school, or at any area Festival Foods Stores, Shopko, or Walgreens from Feb. 22 – March 15  and help us help our neighbors in need right here in Appleton.  Thank you!  

 PS:  People who have access to WIC or Food Share (Food Stamps) cannot use these programs to obtain any hygiene items or diapers. These are expensive items for non-profit organizations like ours to purchase.

 More at or call their studios at 800-236-9364

or download the Help for the Homeless 2015 Flyer